Dear Reader,

I am planning to post my progress towards GATE preparation in this blog.I will make notes in this blog as I prepare, which might be useful to fellow students.Feel free to follow my blog and post commeents, suggestions and queries. Syllabus and useful links appear below blogs.Follow my blog to get regular updates about my posts. Go through blog archive(right hand side of blog) to access earlier posts. You can email me to, if you need more preparation material, older question papers etc.

don't miss this post

update: I qualified GATE 2014 with a score of 892 and all india rank 6....

If anyone of you want to contribute to/update the blog, kindly write to my email I will add your contributions with proper credits

Also, if my blog has helped any of you clear GATE, do let me know, I would like to publish your names, scores, ranks, contact info etc. , so that future aspirants may contact you and be inspired from you

Monday, November 4, 2013


The dripline is the guide measurement used to prevent unnecessary damage to treesduring construction works. It is defined as the outermost circumference of the tree'scanopy, from which water drips onto the ground. The 'dripline area' is taken to include the soil and roots that lie within that circumference

Xeriscaping is landscaping and gardening that reduces or eliminates the need for supplemental water from irrigation

A swale is a shallow channel with gently sloping sides. A swale may be either natural or human created. Artificial swales are often infiltration basins, designed to manage water runoff, filter pollutants, and increase rainwater infiltration

Delonix Regia- gul mohar
Casia Fistula- Amaltas(konna poovu)
Tectona  Grandis - Teak
Mimusops Elengi- "elanji-malayalam, spanish cherry, medlar,bullet wood, maulsari-hindi
Dalbergia siso- Indian Rosewood(deciduos) sheesham

wedelia trilobata-  creeper/ groundcover

Ixora coccinea- jungle geranium-Chethi poovu
Ixora Chinensis-chetti poovu chinese variety
Jasminum Augustifolium- jasmine
bignonia magnifica- purple bignonia-climber

Japanese Gardens

Mughal Gardens

Chinese Gardens

 Japanese vs Chinese Gardens

French garden

English Garden- (invented by William Kent and Charles Bridgeman)

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